公司名稱 廣州彩虹約定廣告有限公司(《紡織制衣市場快訊》雜志社)
Guangzhou Rainbow Covenant Advertising Co., Ltd. (The Textile Garment Market Information))
公司電話 020-87392768、87398839
公司傳真 020-87360636
電子郵箱 rainbowpress@126.com
公司網址 www.gdsewing.com
公司地址 中國 廣東 廣州 廣州大道中121號怡景大廈5樓D座

Block D, 5/F, Yijing Building, No.121, Mid. Guangzhou Avenue, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

主營業務 專業從事紡織服裝及縫制設備行業信息服務工作的行業性媒體機構,主要為該行業提供媒體傳播、網絡宣傳、網站建設、設計印刷、展覽推廣、活動策劃等方面的服務內容。 公司與香港彩虹商業出版社合作,編輯、發行了縫制設備行業專業信息月刊——《紡織制衣市場快訊》雜志,該雜志面對全國紡織制衣、縫制設備、皮具箱包、制鞋制帽等行業發行,每月1期,全年12期;另外,本公司還自主開發了“中國縫制網 www.cnsewing.cn”門戶網站,目前已是縫制設備行業最具影響力的網上商務平臺。

The specialty is engaged in the textile clothing and sewing equipment industry information services industry media institutions, mainly for the industry to provide media, network advertising, website construction, design, printing, exhibition promotion, event planning services. Company cooperates with Hong Kong rainbow commercial press, editing, release the sewing equipment industry professional information issue -- the textile clothing market express magazine, the magazine in the face of the national textile clothing, sewing equipment, leather bags, shoe hat industry distribution, phase 1 a month, the year 12 period; In addition, the company has independently developed the "China sewing www.cnsewing.cn" portal, is already the sewing equipment industry's most influential online business platform.

廣東省縫制設備商會©版權所有  Copyright2005-2025 All rights reserved  備案號:粵ICP備16059036號-1

電話:020-87358608 020-87358626 020-87358627  傳真:020-87358609  郵箱:gdsewing@163.com

地址:廣州市越秀區五羊新城寺右南路廣日大廈801室  郵編:510600中國縫制城